Florida Solar Power Company | Solar Energy Florida

Solar Energy is incredibly safe and free too. Every hour, the sun generates more energy than humans need in one year! With many incentives you can leverage, it’s cheaper to install than you think.

You’ve seen solar panels and wonder how solar panels work and generate clean energy. The solar technology may seem complicated to understand. Well, it’s really a very simple process. Moreover, going solar is even simpler and completely hassle-free. So, how does Solar Works work? Let’s get to it.

Main Components of a Solar System

  • Solar Panels
  • Inverter
  • Switch Board
  • Electric meter
  • Electricity Grid
  • The sun always gives off light, whether it’s cloudy, rainy or snowy. Photovoltaic cells from solar panels react with the sun’s light to produce electricity (DC). The inverter takes over from here.
  • The inverter then converts the DC (Direct Current) electricity generated into one we can use in our homes and offices — AC (Alternating Current).
  • This free electricity then powers everything in your home — from light to sound system and other appliances.
  • If there’s any surplus electricity, it flows back into the grid for others to use. At the same time, you receive solar credits.
  • The net meter calculates the amount of electricity sent to the grid and compares it with the energy received. Whenever you send more than you use, you get credits! This way, you can also benefit from your solar system by drawing free power from the grid when it gets dark. 

Now that you understand how solar work, isn’t it time to reap immense benefits like many of our clients in Florida? Solar power makes so much sense. Go solar and generate your own clean energy.


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